Twój Serwis


Nasi hydraulicy to najbardziej rozpoznawalni profesjonaliści na świecie, ponieważ zależy nam na doskonałej obsłudze i nic tak nie wpływa na właścicieli domów jak ten pomysł.

Czyszczenie odpływów

Our plumbers are the most recognized professionals in the world because we’re committed to amazing service and nothing wears on homeowners like the idea.


Call us or mail us

Our plumbers are the most recognized professionals in the world because we’re committed to amazing service and nothing wears on homeowners like the idea.

(1800) 88 66 996   |

Toilet Leaking

FROM $320

Our plumbers are the most recognized professionals in the world because we’re committed to amazing service and nothing wears on homeowners like the idea.

Bathtub Install

FROM $320

Our plumbers are the most recognized professionals in the world because we’re committed to amazing service and nothing wears on homeowners like the idea.

How It Work?

1. Booking online

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eiusmod tempor incididunt.

2. Work Status

Amet consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt.

3. Completion

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eiusmod tempor incididunt.


FROM $320

Our plumbers are the most recognized professionals in the world because we’re committed to amazing service and nothing wears on homeowners like the idea.

Solder Copper

FROM $320

Our plumbers are the most recognized professionals in the world because we’re committed to amazing service and nothing wears on homeowners like the idea.


F.H.U. „STANDEX” Export – Import Stanisław Żądło

34-480 Jabłonka, ul. Energetyków 6

NIP: 735-001-31-59, NIP UE: PL7350013159

REGON: 490265204


Handel internetowy


Hurtownia - Handel - Usługi

F.H.U.”STANDEX” Export – Import Stanisław Żądło

34-480 Jabłonka ul. Krakowska 7

Tel. (+48) 18 26 420 50,  (+48) 18 26 420 51,
kom. 601 516 610

34-470 Czarny Dunajec

ul. Mościckiego 8

Tel/fax (+48) 18 26 571 66,

 kom. 607 044 510